Recommending similar books based on Book Title, User-ratings, and more...
Which book to read next?
When we want to read a new book we generally ask our friends or classmates or may search all the books available in a library (as if we can). After all asking and searching, we may still not find any book of our preference as not everyone has the same interests. For such situations, we need a system which takes our choices into consideration and suggests to us some good books.
“ A good recommender system has to consider how users interact with the recommendations.”
A recommendation system broadly recommends items to the user best suited to their tastes and traits. It uses the user's previous data and other user's data to give new recommendations.
Let's take a look at the recommendation models we have tried….
The dataset we have used in this work is the Book-Crossing Dataset that comprises three tables: -
- Books- It has 8 columns; ISBN, Book title, Book author, Year of publication, Publisher, and three columns for Book cover Image URLs representing three different versions (small, medium, and large).
- Users- Contains the user’s information. It consists of 3 columns UserID, Location, and age.
- Ratings- Contains the information on ratings of the books. It consists of 3 columns UserID, ISBN, and Book Rating.
The workflow of our project is:
Pre-processing and Cleaning
All the pre-processing and cleaning we have done on the dataset is described below:
Books Table
- Drop all three Image URL features.
- Check for the number of null values in each column. There comes only 3 null values in the table. Replace these three empty cells with ‘Other’.
- Check for the unique years of publications. Two values in the year column are publishers. Also, three tuples have the name of the author of the book merged with the title of the book.
- Manually set the values for these three above obtained tuples for each of their features using the ISBN number of the book.
- Convert the type of the years of publications feature to the integer.
- By keeping the range of valid years as less than 2022 and obviously not 0, replace all invalid years with the mode of the publications that is 2002.
- Upper-casing all the alphabets present in the ISBN column and removal of duplicate rows from the table.
Users Table
- Check for null values in the table. The Age column has more than 1 lakh null values.
- Check for unique values present in the Age column. There are many invalid ages present like 0 or 244.
- By keeping the valid age range of readers as 10 to 80 replace null values and invalid ages in the Age column with the mean of valid ages.
- The location column has 3 values city, state, and country. These are split into 3 different columns named as City, State, and Country respectively. In the case of null value, ‘other’ has been assigned as the entity value.
- Removal of duplicate entries from the table.
Ratings Table
- Check for null values in the table.
- Check for the Rating column and User-ID column to be an integer.
- Removal of punctuation from ISBN column values and if that resulting ISBN is available in the book dataset only then considering else drop that entity.
- Upper-casing all the alphabets present in the ISBN column.
- Removal of duplicate entries from the table.
Merged Dataset
All three tables are merged and for the final dataset tuples having ratings of 0 are dropped.
The graph below shows the count of books rating given by users. We can see most of the books are rated 8 on a scale of 10.
Recommendation Models
We started building some basic recommendation systems and then implemented collaborative and content-based filtering methods as well.
Input given for required models is:
Popularity Based (Top In the whole collection)
We have sorted the dataset according to the total ratings each of the books have received in non-increasing order and then recommended top n books.
Popularity Based (Top In a given place)
We have filtered the dataset according to a given place (city, state, or country) and then sorted it according to total ratings they have received by the users in decreasing order of that place and recommended top n books.
Books by the same author, publisher of the given book name
For this model, we have sorted the books by rating for the same author and same publisher of the given book and recommended top n books.
Books popular Yearly
This is the most basic model in which we have grouped all the books published in the same year and recommended the top-rated book yearly.
Average Weighted Ratings
We have calculated the weighted score using the below formula for all the books and recommended the books with the highest score.
score= t/(t+m)∗a + m/(m+t)∗c
t represents the total number of ratings received by the book
m represents the minimum number of total ratings considered to be included
a represents the average rating of the book and,
c represents the mean rating of all the books.
Correlation Based
For this model, we have created the correlation matrix for which we needed to reduce the dataset (because of limited resources). So we have considered only those books which have total ratings of more than 50. Then from this data, we have created a user-book rating matrix. For the input book using the correlation matrix, top books are recommended.
Nearest Neighbours Based
To train the Nearest Neighbours model, we have created a compressed sparse row matrix taking ratings of each Book by each User individually. This matrix is used to train the Nearest Neighbours model and then to find n nearest neighbors using the cosine similarity metric.
Collaborative Filtering (User-Item Filtering)
Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System works by considering user ratings and finds cosine similarities in ratings by several users to recommend books. To implement this, we took only those books' data that have at least 50 ratings in all (because of limited resources).
Content-Based Filtering
We have implemented a content-based recommendation system that recommends books by calculating similarities in Book Titles. For this, TF-IDF feature vectors are created for unigrams and bigrams of Book-Titles where only those books' data has been considered which are having at least 80 ratings (because of limited resources).
Hybrid Recommendation System
We have built a hybrid recommendation system using both content-based filtering and collaborative filtering systems. A percentile score is given to the results obtained from both content and collaborative filtering models and is combined to recommend top n books.
These were the models we tried for recommending books. It can be seen that similar books have been recommended by our models for the given book.
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Contribution of each member
Ashima (MT19031):- Pre-processing (Books Table), Recommendation Systems (Popularity Based (Top In whole collection + Top In a given place), Books popular Yearly, Correlation Based, Nearest Neighbours, Content-Based Filtering), Blog.
Ananya Tyagi (MT19114):- Pre-processing (Ratings Table) and Visualizations, Recommendation Systems (Books by the same author-publisher, Average Weighted Ratings, Collaborative Filtering, Hybrid Recommendation System), Report.
Arun Abhishek Chowhan (MT19062):- Pre-processing (Users Table), Presentation.
Contact Information
Ananya Tyagi- LinkedIn, Medium
Arun Abhishek Chowhan- LinkedIn
A special Thanks to professor Dr. Tanmoy Chakraborty and the Teaching Assistants…
Monsoon2020 course: Machine Learning #MachineLearning2020 #IIITD
Instructor- Dr. Tanmoy Chakraborty [LinkedIn], [Facebook]
Head TA- Shiv Kumar Gehlot [LinkedIn]
Guide- Shikha Singh [LinkedIn]
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